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What is Stablecoin?

A Stablecoin is a specific category of cryptocurrencies that aims to achieve price stability against a specific benchmark or asset, typically a unit of a traditional currency like the US dollar or gold. While other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum can be highly volatile, fluctuating in price significantly within short periods, Stablecoins seek to combat these fluctuations, ensuring a stable valuation over time. They do this by either pegging their value to traditional fiat currencies, using algorithms, or using other cryptocurrencies as collateral.

In this comprehensive guide to the stable digital currency, we will cover everything about stable coin, how does stablecoin work, its uses, benefits, and drawbacks.

How Does Stablecoin Work?

To maintain their value, Stablecoins are often backed by a reserve of assets. When new coins are issued, assets are added to the reserve. Conversely, when coins are returned or ‘burned’, assets are taken out of the reserve. This ensures that there is always a 1:1 ratio or another predetermined ratio between the stablecoin in circulation and the underlying assets in the reserve.

Stablecoins, at their core, work by having a collateral or backing that acts as a reference point for their value. When a new stablecoin is minted (or issued), corresponding collateral is kept in reserve. The process is reversed when stablecoins are redeemed. For example, a fiat-collateralized stablecoin will typically have an equivalent amount of a specific fiat currency stored as reserve for every stablecoin in circulation. This backing provides the stable value. Crypto-collateralized stablecoins, on the other hand, use a basket of other cryptocurrencies as collateral. Algorithmic stablecoins function differently – they adjust the circulating supply of the stablecoin, based on coded algorithms in response to changes in demand, to stabilize its price.

Why Are Stablecoins So Important?

Stablecoins have gained significant attention and are deemed crucial for several reasons:

What Kinds of Stablecoins Are There?

There are a plethora of stablecoins in the market, each with its unique mechanism to achieve stability. While some are backed by fiat reserves, others use cryptocurrency as collateral or rely on algorithms. This section delves deep into the different types, their mechanisms, and how they maintain their peg.

There are mainly three types of Stablecoins:

  1. Fiat-Collateralized Stablecoins: These are backed by traditional fiat currencies.
  2. Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoins: These are backed by other cryptocurrencies.
  3. Algorithmic Stablecoins: Not backed by any collateral but use algorithms to control their price.

Over the years, several stablecoins have gained prominence in the crypto ecosystem. These coins are trusted by investors, traders, and businesses for their stability and the mechanisms they employ to maintain their peg. In this segment, we’ll explore the frontrunners in the stablecoin domain, shedding light on their adoption, use cases, and market dominance.

StablecoinTypePegged AssetMarket Cap
Tether (USDT)Fiat-CollateralizedUSD$XX billion
USDCFiat-CollateralizedUSD$XX billion
DAICrypto-CollateralizedEthereum$XX billion
sUSDCrypto-CollateralizedSynthetix Network$XX billion

The table above shows some of the most popular stablecoins currently.

What Is the Purpose of Stablecoin?

The inception of stablecoins was fueled by the desire to integrate the benefits of cryptocurrencies – like decentralization, transparency, and security – without the inherent price volatility. Stablecoin uses are manifold:

Fiat-Collateralized Stablecoins

These stablecoins are backed by a fiat currency reserve like the US dollar and are the most straightforward type of stablecoins. They maintain a 1:1 peg with a specific fiat currency. For each coin issued, there is an equivalent amount of fiat currency stored in a bank or a vault. The idea is simple: the stored fiat acts as “collateral” for the coin. Popular examples include Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC). They offer high liquidity but face criticism for centralization and potential audit concerns.

Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoins

These stablecoins are backed not by fiat but by other cryptocurrencies. To account for the volatility of the backing crypto, they are often over-collateralized. For instance, to get $100 worth of a crypto-collateralized stablecoin, one might need to deposit $150 worth of Ethereum. This buffer ensures that even with market fluctuations, the stablecoin retains its value. DAI is a well-known crypto-collateralized stablecoin, which uses mechanisms like Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) to ensure its stability.

Algorithmic Stablecoins

Unique in their approach, algorithmic stablecoins aren’t backed by any collateral. Instead, they rely on computer algorithms and smart contracts to regulate their price. This is achieved by automatically expanding or contracting the supply of the stablecoin based on certain triggers, usually tied to the coin’s price. If the price rises above the peg, the algorithm issues more coins, increasing supply and pushing the price down. Conversely, if the price drops, the algorithm decreases supply, driving the price up. Ampleforth and Terra are notable example in this category.

Stablecoin Regulation

Given the rising adoption and importance of stablecoins in the global financial ecosystem, regulators worldwide are paying attention. Their concerns encompass:

Which Is the Best Stablecoin?

The “best” stablecoin depends on individual needs. While USDT offers high liquidity, USDC boasts stringent regulatory compliance. DAI, being decentralized, provides more transparency. Users must evaluate based on their criteria. Here’s a comparison of some leading stablecoins:

StablecoinTypePegged AssetTransparencyLiquidityAdoptionRegulatory Compliance
Tether (USDT)Fiat-CollateralizedUSDMediumHighHighLow
sUSDCrypto-CollateralizedSynthetix NetworkMediumMediumMediumMedium

This table shows stablecoins and factual differences between each stablecoin.

Do stablecoins have any drawbacks?

Like any financial instrument, stablecoins aren’t without their challenges. As we embark on this section, we’ll discuss the potential risks associated with each type of stablecoin, from centralization concerns in fiat-backed coins to potential algorithm failures in algorithmic ones. Potential drawbacks include:


In conclusion, stablecoins play a vital role in the ever-evolving crypto space. Their importance, mechanism of action, and types are instrumental knowledge for anyone delving into the world of digital currencies.

FAQ Section:

What is an example of stablecoins?

Examples of stablecoins include Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and DAI.

Is Bitcoin a stablecoin?

No, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency but not a stablecoin due to its volatile nature.

Is Ethereum a stablecoin?

No, Ethereum is a platform for creating decentralized applications and its native currency, Ether (ETH), is not a stablecoin.

How are most stablecoins used?

Mostly for trading, remittance, as collateral in DeFi, and as a stable digital currency for transactions.

How are stablecoins similar to cash?

Stablecoins, like cash, have a stable value and can be used for everyday transactions.

Is Cardano a stablecoin?

No, Cardano is a blockchain platform, and its native currency ADA is not a stablecoin.

Is stablecoin a risk?

Yes, there are inherent risks associated with stablecoins, including regulation, centralization, and volatility of collateral.

How do stablecoins make money?

Stablecoin issuers often earn interest on the reserves they hold, charge fees for transactions, and may profit from arbitrage opportunities.