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What are Blockchain Types? Everything you Need To Know

There are four primary types of blockchain network types: Public, Private, Hybrid, and Consortium blockchains. In this article we will explain their advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries by providing a decentralized, transparent, and secure method of recording transactions and sharing data. It is not a singular monolithic structure but comes in different types, each with its unique advantages and use cases.

A Comprehensive Overview of Blockchain Types By Streamflow Fianance

What are the 4 different blockchain types?

The blockchain universe is diverse, with numerous types of blockchain networks suited for different applications. Here are the four primary types:

  1. Public Blockchain: A decentralized and open blockchain where anyone can participate.
  2. Private Blockchain: A permissioned blockchain with a centralized network.
  3. Hybrid Blockchain: An interoperable blockchain that combines aspects of both public and private blockchains.
  4. Consortium Blockchain: A federated blockchain governed by multiple organizations.

Each of these types is suited for specific use cases, as we shall see in the following sections.

What are the four different blockchain types?

What is Public Blockchain?

A public or open blockchain is a decentralized network where anyone can join and participate without needing permission. It is transparent, accessible, and secure, embodying the original vision of blockchain technology.

How does Public Blockchain work?

In a public blockchain, transactions are validated by the community through a process known as mining, following a consensus mechanism like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS). Once validated, transactions are added to a block, which is then added to the blockchain.

Advantages Of Public Blockchain

Disadvantages of Public Blockchain

Use Cases of Public Blockchain

One of the most widely known public blockchain examples is Bitcoin. Bitcoin introduced the concept of a decentralized currency, where transactions are confirmed by a network of miners and recorded on a public ledger. This public ledger is a blockchain network, open to anyone in the world. Here, we see the fundamentals of a public blockchain at work: anyone can participate in validating transactions on the blockchain and anyone can audit the transactions.

Another notable example of public blockchains is Ethereum. Ethereum extends the concept of decentralization by enabling developers to write smart contracts and create decentralized applications (DApps) that run on the blockchain network.

Public blockchains, due to their transparent nature, have seen diverse use-cases. The advent of crypto networks like DeFi (Decentralized Finance) has made financial services accessible to people worldwide without intermediaries. These are just two examples from the list of blockchain platforms available in the public domain.

What is a Private Blockchain?

A private or permissioned blockchain is a centralized network where participants must be authorized to join. It provides more privacy than a public blockchain but at the expense of decentralization.

What is a private blockchain?

How does Private Blockchain Work?

In a private blockchain, a single organization or entity manages the network. Only authorized members can validate transactions, which are then added to the blockchain.

Advantages Of Private Blockchain

Disadvantages of Private Blockchain

Use Cases of Private Blockchain

When it comes to a private blockchain example, the IBM Food Trust stands out. This is a blockchain-powered platform that allows various entities in the food industry to track and share information about food items, enhancing transparency and traceability. Here, a private blockchain platform is employed to provide controlled access and keep sensitive data confidential.

Another private blockchain example would be the Corda blockchain, developed by the consortium R3. Corda is used widely in the financial industry, where privacy and efficiency are critical. This platform showcases the private vs public blockchain comparison effectively, highlighting the increased speed and privacy offered by private blockchains.

Public vs Private Blockchain

Blockchain TypeDecentralizationPrivacyEfficiencyScalabilityAccessibility
Public vs Private Blockchain Table

What is Hybrid Blockchain?

Hybrid blockchain is a type of network that integrates the features of both public and private blockchains. This innovative blend offers a flexible and customizable solution, providing the transparency and inclusivity of public blockchains while maintaining the security and control inherent in private blockchains. It ensures that organizations can control who accesses the information, yet allows for certain data to be made public, creating a perfect balance between transparency, security, and control. Dragonchain is a notable example of a hybrid blockchain.

What is hybrid blockchain?

Advantages of Hybrid Blockchain

Disadvantages of Hybrid Blockchain

Use Cases of Hybrid Blockchain

Dragonchain, a U.S.-based blockchain technology company, presents a notable example of a hybrid blockchain. It allows businesses to keep sensitive business logic and data private, while also interfacing with multiple blockchain networks like Ethereum, ETC, and Bitcoin. This means businesses can execute sensitive functions on a private, permissioned network, but also interlink with public networks for broader transparency.

Another hybrid blockchain example is XinFin Network’s XDC protocol, which offers hybrid relay bridges, instant block finality, and interoperability with ISO20022 financial messaging standards. It highlights the flexibility and versatility that hybrid blockchains provide.

What is Consortium Blockchain?

Consortium blockchains are semi-private networks controlled by a group of nodes or organizations, rather than a single entity, offering a balance between the transparency of public blockchains and the security of private blockchains.

Advantages Of Consortium Blockchain

Disadvantages Of Consortium Blockchain

Use Cases of Consortium Blockchain

A consortium blockchain, also known as a federated blockchain, is employed effectively by the interbank platform we. trade. Owned by a group of large banks, including HSBC, Santander, and Societe Generale, we. trade uses blockchain to enhance the speed, safety, and efficiency of financial transactions between businesses.

Another significant example is the energy consortium EWF (Energy Web Foundation), which uses a consortium blockchain to create a standard core blockchain platform specifically for the energy sector.

In conclusion, there are four types of blockchain networks in use today – public, private, hybrid, and consortium. Each of these types of blockchains serves different use cases based on their unique advantages. The diverse list of all blockchains being used across sectors underlines the versatile potential of blockchain technology. The optimal choice between private vs public blockchain (or a hybrid or consortium) depends on the specific needs of the application. The primary consideration should be around factors like decentralization, transparency, privacy, control, and speed. The landscape of blockchain technology platforms continues to evolve, and we can expect to see more innovations in this space in the coming years.

Industries that benefit from various blockchain networks

Several industries can benefit from adopting the appropriate type of blockchain network:

What are the key types of blockchain?

There are primarily four types of blockchains: public, private (also known as permissioned blockchains), consortium (consortium blockchains), and hybrid. Each type is designed with different security features and access levels to meet various business needs and use cases.

What differentiates public blockchains from private blockchains?

Public blockchains are accessible to anyone, they provide total transparency and anyone can validate transactions. Bitcoin and Ethereum are well-known examples of such a network. In contrast, private blockchains restrict access to specific members or participants. This enhances security as it controls who can validate transactions, creating a network that is less susceptible to attacks. An instance of a private blockchain is the Hyperledger Fabric platform.

Can you elaborate on consortium blockchains?

Consortium blockchains are a type of blockchain where the consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected set of nodes; for example, a consortium of 15 financial institutions, each of which operates a node and of which 10 must sign every block for the block to be valid. This makes them semi-decentralized.

Can you provide examples of the different types of blockchains in use?

Certainly, here are some examples to illustrate the types of blockchains: Bitcoin and Ethereum employ public blockchains, Hyperledger Fabric utilizes a private blockchain, Corda and Quorum are examples of consortium blockchains. Meanwhile, Dragonchain is an instance of a hybrid blockchain. 

What do PoW and PoS mean in the context of blockchains?

PoW (Proof of Work) and PoS (Proof of Stake) are consensus mechanisms used in blockchain networks to validate transactions and add new blocks to the chain. Bitcoin, for example, uses the PoW mechanism, where nodes known as miners solve complex problems to validate transactions. Ethereum, on the other hand, is transitioning from PoW to PoS, where nodes, referred to as validators, are chosen to create new blocks based on the number of Ethereum tokens they hold and are willing to ‘stake’ as collateral.

What role do nodes play in a blockchain network?

Nodes are an essential part of blockchain networks. They store, spread, and preserve the blockchain data across the network, ensuring the network’s resilience and data integrity. Nodes can take several forms, including full nodes that store the complete blockchain, and lightweight or SPV nodes that store just the headers of the blocks.

What is the meaning of ‘permissionless’ and ‘permissioned’ in the context of blockchain?

‘Permissionless’ refers to a blockchain (usually a public blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum) that anyone can join, participate in, and validate transactions. ‘Permissioned’, on the other hand, refers to a blockchain where only certain approved participants (users or nodes) can validate transactions. Private and consortium blockchains are often permissioned.

How does blockchain technology improve supply chain management?

Blockchain technology significantly enhances transparency and traceability in supply chain management. It provides an immutable record of product movement from production to sale, reducing fraud, errors, and disputes. This is made possible by each participant in the supply chain network having access to the same data about the goods.

What benefits does blockchain technology offer in business applications?

Blockchain technology can revolutionize business applications. It provides improved transparency, robust security, increased efficiency, and reduced cost by eliminating the need for intermediaries. Blockchain is being used in various business sectors such as finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and many more.